Branding Objective: Luxury real estate buyers agent, highlighting Lisa’s unique combination of intuitive local knowledge and sophistication.

Lisa and I decided a tangible marketing tool would complement and further her online advertising, as the Walton County beaches are still a region where a paperback book and a beach chair are the preferable reading implements. Designed to be an attractive and desirable keepsake for a potential client, these bookmarks for Lisa Ruby’s real estate business are a study in simplicity, yet visually tell a story. My photography from the Rosemary Beach neighborhood implies a coming home scenario; your front door, your shoe and drink selection, and off to the beach! Compelling visuals for some of our city-dwelling visitors who are in the market for a home purchase. It’s easy to showcase the beauty of the Scenic 30A corridor as we have so many pleasing natural and architectural vignettes.

2018 Update: I purchased my home with Lisa’s invaluable assistance and she became a dear friend and client over 14 years. Together we produced branded collateral under several brokerage companies, countless ads, direct mail postcards and updates of her web site. She was a dream client as our visual styles were so compatible. My heartfelt condolences to family and friends, as we all suffered a tremendous loss with Lisa’s passing in 2017. I’ll always remember our fun sushi meetings, her unwavering support of my design work, her friendship and beautiful, mischievous smile.